Prof. Raffaele Saladino is founder and member of the CdA of the University of Tuscia spin-off called GentoxChem (Genetic Toxicology and Medicinal Chemistry Services, Ltd.;, with registered office in Via Monte Bianco 63 (Viterbo, 01100 ITALY), whose corporate purpose, among others: i) evaluation / testing in silico, in vitro and in vivo toxicity of chemical compounds, ii) design of synthetic routes for biologically active products, iii) computational chemistry iv) design, consultancy and formulation patents in the field of pharmaceutical chemistry and biocatalysis, v) and cytogenetic analyses, vi) environmental and food quality certification vii) corporate auditing, market research, marketing research, development of business plans and assistance in Fund Raising. The founding of the University spin-off GentoxChem was resolved in the first instance by the Board of the Department of Agrobiology and Agrochemistry ABAC (applicants prof. Raffaele Saladino and prof. Pasquale Mosesso; report no. 1 of 28.01.2011) and the Department of Economics and Business DEIM (proponent Dr. Stefano Poponi; report no. 2 of 21.01.2011). The following are the resolutions approving the Board of Directors of the University of Tuscia N.01/2011 22.02.2011 and 13.06.2012 N. 04/2012 and the Academic Senate of 12.06.2012 No. 6/12, with Memorandum No. Repertoire N.10492 Collection 7258 of 20 September 2012. The spin-off University GentoxChem was registered in the Companies Register of Viterbo on 09/26/2012. In 2011 the spin-off GentoxChem was awarded and selected in the first place in the competition "Working Capital-National Award for Innovation" BIC-Lazio in the notice "Call for Ideas" Start Cup 2011, with an idea concerning the design and development of micro-and nano-capsules "intelligent" and multifunctional of lignin, a biopolymer component of wood, able to play a protective effect against photo-aging.